2136 East Balboa Boulevard, Peninsula Point, Bayside

Robert A. Sinclair

Founder and Principal of Sinclair Associates Architects Inc.,
a residential design firm based in Westwood Village, Los Angeles.

Architectural projects located in all areas of California and
Baja California.

Los Angeles

Los Angeles

Holmby Hills

545 South Mapleton Drive
Residential Estate and Gardens, 2 acres

Interior DesignerMarla Sher Designmarlasherdesign.com

Interior DesignerLondon Boone Inc.mimilondon.com

Landscape ArchitectRobert E. Truskowskitruskowski.com

General ContractorFinton Constructionfinton.com

General ContractorAaron Anthony Constructionaaronanthony.com

Bel Air Country Club

10936 Chalon Drive
Residential Estate and Gardens, 2 acres

Landscape ArchitectG. Grisamore Design Inc.ggrisamore.com

Architectural IllustrationDimension Threedimensionthree.com

Interior DesignerDejager Design, Inc.dejagerdesigninc.com

Bel Air

10905 Chalon Drive
Residential Estate and Gardens, 2 acres

Landscape ArchitectJames Hyatt Studioinstagram.com/jameshyattstudio

Architectural IllustrationDimension Threedimensionthree.com

Interior DesignerDejager Design, Inc.dejagerdesigninc.com

Bel Air Crest

Bel Air
Residential Estate and Gardens, 2 acres

Interior DesignerCompass Stonecompasstone.net

Landscape ArchitectG. Grisamore Design Inc.ggrisamore.com

General ContractorGordon Gibson Constructiongsgibson.com

Beverly Park

38 Beverly Park
Residential Estate and Gardens, 2 acres

Interior DesignerMarla Sher Designmarlasherdesign.com

Landscape ArchitectG. Grisamore Design Inc.ggrisamore.com

General ContractorJD Group Inc.jdgroupinc.com

Beverly Hills

722 North Linden

Landscape ArchitectPeter Philips Designphilips-design.com

Architectural IllustrationDimension Threedimensionthree.com

Hollywood Hills

1898 Rising Glen Road
Residential Estate and Gardens, 2 acres

Owner's RepresentativeFrank Mabante Developmentmabantedevelopment.com

Interior DesignerCoppel Designcoppeldesign.com

Landscape ArchitectChristine London Ltd.christinelondonltd.com

Architectural IllustrationDimension Threedimensionthree.com

General ContractorGordon Gibson Constructiongsgibson.com

Santa Monica

336 Adelaide Drive
Residence and Garden Courtyard, Addition/renovation to a Historic 100-year-old Residence

Landscape ArchitectG. Grisamore Design Inc.ggrisamore.com

Architectural IllustrationDimension Threedimensionthree.com

General ContractorGordon Gibson Constructiongsgibson.com


163 Rockingham Avenue
Residential Estate and Gardens, 2 acres

Landscape ArchitectG. Grisamore Design Inc.ggrisamore.com

Interior DesignerKaplan + Mayer

General ContractorR.T. Abbott Construction Inc.rtabbott.com


357 South Chadbourne Avenue
Residential Estate and Gardens, 1.25 acres

General ContractorMorrow & Morrow Corporationmorrowmorrow.com

Pacific Palisades

1034 Napoli Drive
Residential Estate and Gardens on the Riviera Country Club, 2 acres

Architectural IllustrationDimension Threedimensionthree.com

Interior DesignerDejager Design, Inc.dejagerdesigninc.com


Residential Estate and Gardens, 1.25 acres

Interior DesignerJoan Behnke and Associates Inc.joanbehnke.com

Landscape ArchitectG. Grisamore Design Inc.ggrisamore.com

Architectural IllustrationDimension Threedimensionthree.com

General ContractorFinton Constructionfinton.com

La Habra Heights

1528 La Riata Drive
Addition/renovation to a Historic Residential Estate and Gardens, 6 acres

Interior DesignerWhite Webb LLCwhitewebb.com

Landscape ArchitectKSA Design Studioksadesignstudio.com

San Marino

1535 Circle Drive
Residential Estate and Gardens, 1.5 acres

General ContractorSchultz Construction, Inc.schultzbuildz.com

Newport Beach

Lido House Hotel Cottages

3300 Newport Boulevard
5 Hotel Cottages as part of the Lido House Hotel Complex

Premiere ArchitectWATGwatg.com

General ContractorOlson Construction Companyolsoninc.net

General ContractorMatt White Custom Homesmwcustom.com

Peninsula Point, Bayside

2136 East Balboa Boulevard
Waterfront Residence

Landscape ArchitectG. Grisamore Design Inc.ggrisamore.com

Architectural IllustrationDimension Threedimensionthree.com

Peninsula Point, Bayside

1813 East Bay Avenue
Waterfront Residential Estate

Interior DesignerBlackband Designblackbanddesign.com

Architectural IllustrationDimension Threedimensionthree.com

General ContractorPatterson Homespattersonhomes.com

Peninsula Point, Oceanfront

1706 Oceanfront East
Oceanfront Residence

Landscape ArchitectPeter Philips Designphilips-design.com

Architectural IllustrationDimension Threedimensionthree.com

General ContractorR.W. Lewis Buildersrwlbildr@pacbell.net

Interior DesignerKathy Kinneykathkinney@gmail.com

Little Balboa Island

351 East Bay Front
Waterfront Residential Estate

Interior DesignerMark Cutler Designmarkcutlerdesign.com

Landscape ArchitectG. Grisamore Design Inc.ggrisamore.com

General ContractorMatt White Custom Homesmwcustom.com

Little Balboa Island

1710 South Bay Front
Waterfront Residence

Interior DesignerAnne Michaelsen Designannemichaelsendesign.com

Architectural IllustrationDimension Threedimensionthree.com

General ContractorR.W. Lewis Buildersrwlbildr@pacbell.net

Little Balboa Island

110 Grand Canal
Waterfront Residence

General ContractorPatterson Homespattersonhomes.com

Balboa Island

110 Topaz Avenue

General ContractorR.W. Lewis Buildersrwlbildr@pacbell.net

Balboa Island

806 South Bay Front
Waterfront Residence

General ContractorPatterson Homespattersonhomes.com

Balboa Island

1 Collins Isle
Waterfront Residence

Architectural IllustrationDimension Threedimensionthree.com

General ContractorPatterson Homespattersonhomes.com

Interior DesignerKelly Nutt Designkellynuttdesign.com

Lido Island

440 Via Lido East
Waterfront Residence

General ContractorDavid Close Homesdavidclosehomes.com

Beacon Bay

20 Beacon Bay
Waterfront Residence

Landscape ArchitectPeter Philips Designphilips-design.com

Architectural IllustrationDimension Threedimensionthree.com

General ContractorLongman Constructionlongmanconstruction.com

Interior DesignerJan Turner Hering Interior Design, Inc.janturnerhering.com

Bayside Drive

2323 Bayside Drive
Waterfront Residence

General ContractorDavid Close Homesdavidclosehomes.com

Landscape ArchitectPeridian International, Inc.peridian.net

Kings Road

311 Kings Road
Bluffside Residence and Gardens

General ContractorDavid Close Homesdavidclosehomes.com

Trabuco Canyon

31101 Hamilton Trail

Landscape ArchitectPeter Philips Designphilips-design.com

Architectural IllustrationDimension Threedimensionthree.com

Emerald Bay

168 Emerald Point Drive
Waterfront Residence

General ContractorDavid Close Homesdavidclosehomes.com

Lido Island

921-925 Via Lido Soud
Waterfront Residence

Landscape ArchitectEPT Designeptdesign.com

Newport Coast

Pelican Crest

8 Channel Vista
Front Row Residence and Gardens

Interior DesignerKaren Butera Inc.karenbutera.com

Landscape ArchitectDaniel Stewart & Associatesdanielstewart.net

General ContractorR.W. Lewis Buildersrwlbildr@pacbell.net

Crystal Cove

23 Del Mar
Residence and Gardens

Interior DesignerDejager Design, Inc.dejagerdesigninc.com

Landscape ArchitectG. Grisamore Design Inc.ggrisamore.com

General ContractorDugally Oberfelddocorp.net

Crystal Cove

Residence and Gardens

Interior DesignerMark Cutler Designmarkcutlerdesign.com

Landscape ArchitectBoyd Johnson Designboydjohnsondesign.com

General ContractorFinton Constructionfinton.com


Shady Canyon

Residential Estate and Gardens, 1 acre

Interior DesignerMark Cutler Designmarkcutlerdesign.com

Landscape ArchitectBoyd Johnson Designboydjohnsondesign.com

General ContractorDavid Close Homesdavidclosehomes.com

Shady Canyon

44 Copper Creek
Residence and Gardens

Interior DesignerVenetian Tile & Stone Galleryvenetianstonegallery.com

General ContractorReuter Homes, Inc.reuterhomes.com

Shady Canyon

43 Golden Eagle
Residence and Gardens

Interior DesignerWendi Young Designwendiyoung.com

Landscape ArchitectBoyd Johnson Designboydjohnsondesign.com

General ContractorDavid Close Homesdavidclosehomes.com

Shady Canyon

26 Black Falcon
Residential Estate and Gardens, 1 acre

Interior DesignerVincent Jacquard

Landscape ArchitectKevin Inkawhichkevinink.com

General ContractorMatt White Custom Homesmwcustom.com

Shady Canyon

57 Blue Heron
Residence and Gardens

Interior DesignerMark Cutler Designmarkcutlerdesign.com

Landscape ArchitectG. Grisamore Design Inc.ggrisamore.com

General ContractorDavid Close Homesdavidclosehomes.com

Shady Canyon

34 Boulder View
Residence and Gardens

Interior DesignerDee Kruse

Landscape ArchitectBoyd Johnson Designboydjohnsondesign.com

General ContractorDavid Close Homesdavidclosehomes.com

Shady Canyon

19 Needle Grass
Residence and Gardens

Interior DesignerDejager Design, Inc.dejagerdesigninc.com

Landscape ArchitectG. Grisamore Design Inc.ggrisamore.com

General ContractorDugally Oberfelddocorp.net

Northern California

Carmel Highlands

Residential Estate and Gardens, 3 acres

Marin County/Mt. Tamalpais/Kent Woodlands

351 Evergreen Drive
Residential Estate and Gardens, 1 acre

General ContractorNordby Constructionnordby.net

Napa Valley/St. Helena

8424 Saint Helena Highway
Residential Estate and Vineyard, 5 acres

Interior DesignerBartolo Designsbartolodesigns.com

Landscape ArchitectG. Grisamore Design Inc.ggrisamore.com

General ContractorGrassi & Associates, Inc.grassiandassociates.com

Baja California

Cabo San Lucas/Palmilla Resort

One & Only Palmilla
Cliffside Oceanview Residence and Gardens

Construction ManagerCardón Land Company LLCcardonlandco.com